Selasa, 06 November 2012

too lazy to do anything.

Just found those picts on 9gag. The picture[s] is really menggambarkan my mind just right now; lazy and a bit emosi. Ayk, barusan sms temen sekelas isinya jelasin segala macem tugas dan he's just say "ok". 
ISN'T THAT HURT? One word: disrespectful. 
Ohiya I want to tell you guys what just happened yesterday. Because of raining, the ceremony was
ends earlier, and that means i dont have to be the dirigen in front of more than 800 students dong;;) I'm so fckin happy when Bapak Ahmadadi announced that the ceremony ends earlier than usual. Rasanya udah mau  loncat loncat gitu waktu Bp. Ahmadadi announced that but unfortunately Eno masih punya malu dan tau diri barisanya belom dibubarin. Well Eno salah lho waktu habis ngaba ngabain the choir nyanyi Indonesia Raya 
harusnya I just stay there until the pembina says "mengheningkan cipta mulai" but i came back to my barisan and then i just realized i was wrong when Ninda ngode Eno. And then i went to the podium again tanpa perasaan salah wkwk terus ngaba ngabain the choir for sing Mengheningkan Cipta. 

That's all, kinda nggak penting tapi lagi pengen cerita ajasiiih wkwkkwkwkwkw.

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